Downloading an Attendance Report for a SignMeUp event

Tags signmeup

You can download an attendance report from your SignMeUp event in an Excel-compatible file format called .CSV (Comma Separate Values).


  1. SignMe Calendar is provided by and supported by the WebSupport team in CTS.
  2. SignMeUp calendar is not supported by eLearning.

Downloading the Attendance Report

Go to the desired event in SignMeUP

Sign in to SignMe up. Go to the desired SignMeUp calendar and click on the desired event.

Click Show Attendance


In the Event Date Management area, click on Show Attendance.

Show all records




Scroll to the bottom of the attendance and change Show ## entries to a number that is greater than the Found ## records.

Click CSV


On the bottom right side of the screen, click CSV.

Shorten the File Name


Shorten the File name. Make sure to keep the extension, .csv, in the file name.

Save the CSV file

Click Save to save the .csv file to your computer. You can open the .csv file in Microsoft Excel.



Article ID: 132918
Tue 6/29/21 1:01 PM
Wed 7/14/21 5:32 PM